Weller Development + Management

Integrated Marketing Partnership Exploration

Audience, Content Strategy, Brand & Digital

Unifying the Weller Brand

Years ago, Weller separated into multiple brands to better represent the company’s various service offerings. This has presented brand management and marketing challenges with multiple identities, logos, business cards, email addresses, digital presences, and often requires lengthy explanations at networking events. This also creates difficulty in digital marketing, search, lead generation, and funnel optimization.

Therefore, Weller is searching for a digital partner who understands integrated marketing and can unify the Weller brands through audience segmentation, targeted content strategy, brand messaging, and digital marketing, all aligned with industry best practices.

Also important to Weller’s success will be guidance in naming, establishing an updated brand standard, and defining the unique selling proposition and unified mission statement. Weller will also need a website that clearly and quickly outlines services, careers, property portfolio, and more. It should be easy for website visitors to navigate so that they can remember and recommend Weller, or even take action to convert to a lead through a new business conversation.

Vitamin is uniquely positioned for work of this nature.

Thank you for the opportunity to discuss a partnership.

Why Vitamin?

We Know the Built Industry

Since 2002, Vitamin has specialized in helping real-estate clients, architects, engineers and construction firms articulate who they are and how they are different, consistently across all marketing channels, with a heavy focus on digitally integrated, content-driven campaigns that drive in-bound submissions for more information on new business opportunities and services needed.

vitamin weller


We’re a family-owned company staffed by go-getters. We are detail people. Our processes and ways of thinking align well with the passionate, technical and detail-oriented minds that lead the built industry.

Built Industry Portfolio
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Your CMO Partner

We thrive in partnerships where owners bring smart, attainable goals, an appreciation of the competitive advantage digital marketing brings, and the desire to grow, together. As your partner, Vitamin brings intelligent, strategic visioning and planning to the table to plug-in as fractional CMOs who can execute on strategy and tactics under one roof. Our approach is never tactical. We are a strategic partner laser focused on marketing intelligent brands through campaigns that stand out and stand the test of time.


Primary Strategic Goals

  • Eliminate brand confusion
  • Finalize brand name
  • Define the primary, secondary and tertiary audiences
  • Finalize audience personas
  • Define brand message + mission (USP)
  • Content strategy that aligns services + generates a funnel
  • Optimize for careers and recruitment
  • Develop an intelligent + mobile-compliant property portfolio solution
weller city garage

Primary Tactical Goals

  • WordPress as the CMS
  • Updated, modern + forward-thinking website user experience
  • Standardization in use of photography + branded elements
  • Simplicity in UI/UX, ease of use, content easy to digest + access
  • Improved organic SEO
  • Establish + document updated brand standard


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Anne Arundel Economic Development Corporation (AAEDC)

As the COVID-19 pandemic began to impact small businesses around the country and around the world, Vitamin was enlisted to design, develop, launch and manage a highly secure online application for Anne Arundel County’s CEP Grant Program and deploy it in short order as time was of the essence. Knowing that many of the nation’s first online PPP application interfaces were difficult to maneuver, unstable, and riddled with technical challenges, Vitamin was careful to ensure the application avoided the same pitfalls and enabled users to quickly and reliably apply. The focus was seamlessness, functionality and reliability.

View Grant Summary


Vitamin was enlisted to reposition an already well-established, growing brand as a leader in not only retail, office and industrial leasing, but also investment sales, property management and financing. KLNB’s new brand conveys the sleek, modern aesthetic that is synonymous with the visionary developers and brokers who work with the firm to develop growth and prosperity.

Vitamin created a new website as a powerful sales vehicle that enables clients to find the broker they want, in the market they’re after, in the field or specialty they need. Users are also able to easily search KLNB’s vast catalog of properties and convert their visit into an inquiry through easy-to-submit forms for new business inquiries.

View Case Study

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Potomac Construction is a full-service general contractor specializing in the construction of the DMV’s most notable restaurants, retail and hospitality experiences. Vitamin partnered with Potomac Construction to align the brand with the quality of their work. The effort included brand identity, print, content strategy and web.

Visit Website


In a day and age where younger brokers are leading the industry, SIOR needed to retool their website and digital content strategy to stay relevant, integrated, and demonstrate their value. The challenge was to re-architect the online user experience and interface in a manner that exemplified the level of quality performance associated with the SIOR designation and adequately served both members and prospective members alike.

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Scope Collaboration

Let’s work together to finalize a scope and budget. From there, Vitamin will provide a written work order outlining the process, deliverables and a budget schedule. Upon sign off, a deposit invoice will be issued and a kick-off meeting will be scheduled between our teams.

For questions, please contact:
Michael Karfakis
p. 410-732-6542


Let's Do Something Great.

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