Greenebaum Enterprises // St. John Properties

Maple Lawn

Brand Story + Website Proposal

Maple Lawn: The first of its kind.

Today, there are copy cats. But Maple Lawn is still unique. Still first. And still fresh. But the brand story and website no longer reflect this. In a day and age were so much time is being spent within the household and on devices, the web, more than ever, is the primary touch point and most valuable sales tool.

The current Maple Lawn website was designed to speak to the audience of 2004. Today, life is different. Urban-suburb developments have become all the rage, thanks largely to the Greenebaum vision. The revitalization of Downtown Columbia presents additional competition and the launch of Maple Lawn South presents an opportune time to inject new energy into the brand. The scope of work presented here entails an update of Maple Lawn’s brand message, user experience and story telling around what it means to be a business, visitor or resident within the Maple Lawn town center in today’s socioeconomic climate.

Thank you for the opportunity to partner.

Why Vitamin?

We Know the Built Industry

Since 2002, Vitamin has specialized in helping residential and commercial real-estate clients, architects, engineers and construction firms articulate who they are and how they are different, consistently across all marketing channels, with a heavy focus on digitally integrated, content-driven campaigns that drive in-bound submissions for more information on properties available and services needed.


We’re a family-owned company staffed by go-getters. We are detail people. Our processes and ways of thinking align well with the creative, passionate, technical and detail-oriented minds that lead the built industry.

Your CMO Partner

We thrive in partnerships where owners bring smart, attainable goals, an appreciation of the competitive advantage digital marketing brings, and the desire to grow, together. As your partner, Vitamin brings intelligent, strategic visioning  and planning to the table to plug-in as fractional CMO’s who can execute on strategy and tactics.


Built Industry Portfolio

Maple Lawn Website Goals

Primary Strategic Goals

  • Update the brand message/ethos targeting residents, prospective tenants + visitors
  • Put-fourth the look and language of the premier urban suburb in MD
  • Improve and optimize the leads funnel through a website designed to guide visitors down a path to conversion

Primary Tactical Goals

  • WordPress as the CMS
  • Include an inventory of commercial restate available within the directory(
  • Updated, modern and forward-thinking user experience
  • Standardization in use of photography + branded elements (iconography graphics, etc.)
  • Potentially introduce a new brand color
  • Simplicity in UI/UX, ease of use, content easy to digest and access


Ellin & Tucker

The following project is relevant case study where Vitamin uncovered and write the client’s brand story, making what’s commonly known as a commoditized service otherwise stand out as strategic, unique and impact-oriented.

View Case Study

Potomac Contracting

Brand refresh for MD/DC’s high-end hospitality project builders.

View Website

Next Step Design

Brand refresh for one the nation’s most visual design studios for  restaurant, retail and hospitality.

View Case Study



Vitamin will begin by facilitating a discovery session via Zoom or Google Meet. This session will account for interviewing two to four key subject matter experts on Maple Lawn including two office tenants, two retail tenants, and two home owners. We will also interview up to two subject mater experts within St. John Properties. Our mission in these interviews will be to gather the required data related to Maple Lawn’s core marketing differentiators so that we can effectively formulate a polished unique selling proposition and tagline.

Brand Messaging / Ethos

Maple Lawn’s unique selling proposition will clearly and succinctly state the following key points:

1) What Maple Lawn is
2) Who Maple Lawn’s audience is
3) How Maple Lawn is different
4) Why the difference matters

Two to three versions will be presented with up to two to three rounds of reasonable revisions to finalize. Once the USP is finalized, up to ten tagline options will be presented in two rounds of five. If a winning tagline is selected in the first round, the second round will not commence. Additional rounds of taglines may require additional time.

One Minute Video

Working with the video production partner of St. John’s choice, Vitamin will craft messaging, script, shot sequence and location planning, desired B-roll and organization of key speakers or voice-over. Assuming they agree to provide on-screen testimonials and/or content, Vitamin will leverage existing relationships within the Maple Lawn community for retail (Patapsco Bikes) and for office (Crews Control). St. John Properties to provide contacts for residential and dining / night life as well as one more contact each for retail and office. Vitamin to also guide the direction of the entire piece through the editing and revision process.

Video scope to include:
– Consideration of diversity, social distancing and COVID-19 safety
– Rough story-boarded shot sequences
– 4 shoot locations + day of B-roll shoot w/ drone footage if possible / part of script
– Video / sound / lighting crew provided by St. John Properties
– Target run time: 1.0 minutes (additional time will require additional budget)
– On-site art direction by Vitamin day of shoots
– Script to be written so that we can pull ~:15 clips for social


Navigation Planning

Vitamin will deliver a breakdown of the proposed website’s navigation in flowchart format. We will use the existing website as the main point of reference to inform how many pages the new website should be (roughly 30 pages). The flowchart will also show how many unique templates will be required for the new website, as well as each tier of navigation and what each section will be called. Included in this scope are up to five unique templates. Delivery of the flowchart will be in .pdf format. Vitamin will collaborate on changes until the final version is ready for St. John’s approval.

User Interface Design

Working closely with St. John Properties, Vitamin will create a static design of one unique home page layout along with the secondary page templates for St. John’s review and approval. Once completed, the designs will be placed on our client extranet in .jpg format and we will set up a time to present the concepts either in person or by screen share. Up to two rounds of revisions will be made available if needed.

WordPress Content Management

Vitamin will use the WordPress content management system (CMS) for the new website WordPress will enable St. John to manage all existing copy and photos within the body of each page, as well as the ability to add/edit/delete to listings within the directory, including office space available.

Written Content

Vitamin will write up to fifteen pages of written copy for the new website. The copy will be written for the purpose of creating short-burst, scanable copy that works to increase visibility to search engines through the proper use of heading and sub-heading text. Each page will contain a clear, concise call-to-action so that users are aware of what options they have based on the information provided on the page.

To write this copy, Vitamin will conduct phone interviews with each subject matter expert for the respective areas of the site. The goal from these interviews is to gather the data related to how
Maple Lawn is different. Using the core differentiators, Vitamin will work to underscore and reiterate the community’s value in every piece of copy we write.


St. John’s to deliver all photography and art work to be used with the website. If a photoshoot is required, Vitamin will provide pricing by request.

Content Population + Website Delivery Review Process
Vitamin will populate the content into the new website using WordPress, testing the CMS and the appearance of the website in browsers and platforms along the way. Once complete, we will release the website to St. John for review. There will be two rounds of revisions made
available in this phase for finalizing content and photography.

Note: Vitamin will populate the directory with all content prior to launch.


Mike Karfakis – Partner-in-Charge
Cory Magin, VP of Creative & UX – Project Lead
Angela Davids, Content Strategy – Brand Message/Content
Trevor Best, Art Director – Lead Creative
Paul Welbourn, Senior Developer – Code + Testing


$75,000 USD (billable in thirds)

PDF Download

Click here for PDF Proposal


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